Here are some pictures taken of me during my operation on Saturday, April 14, 2001 on my left collar bone. My doctor was generous enough to let me have these pictures that he took. I needed surgery on my collar bone because it was broken badly. When I do something, I do it well.
These are X-rays of me before and after my operation. The two bone pieces before were separated far from each other, much more than in a typical break.
Here is a picture of my shoulder before I was cut open. The markings on me are where I was cut. That's not so bad, is it? Wait for the next pictures.
This is after I was cut open. Eeewww! Notice the broken bone. There's also a nerve that the doctor wanted to preserve. It's probably important. He didn't care about the other nerves, though. My shoulder is now slightly numb. Those other nerves will grow back, I hope.
This is with the metal plate on my bone. It is made of very shiny metal. The doctor screwed me up.
Here's me when I'm all fixed up and closed up.
(c)2001 Chris Williams.
Last revision:
18 Apr 2001
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